Friday, October 17, 2008 | By: WR


sedutan dari NST
PUTRAJAYA: Citing incomplete investigations and insufficient evidence, the Federal Court yesterday set aside the murder conviction and death sentence on a former security guard accused of murdering a 10-year-old girl four years ago.

The accused, Mohd Abbas Danus Baksan, was spared the gallows but still has to serve a 20-year jail sentence after pleading guilty at the Johor Baru Sessions Court for raping Nurul Huda Abdul Gani.

Abbas, 52, had another reason to heave a sigh yesterday -- the 24 strokes imposed on him for the rape was also set aside due to his age as the law states that those aged 50 and above would be spared the rotan.

At the time of the rape conviction in 2004, Abbas was 48 years old, but he was not whipped as he had appealed against his sentence.

2 Dari Kacamata Orang lain:

Anonymous said...

..... antara peristiwa di Johor yang sangat menyayat hati....

WR said...

ya..... anak kecil yang diperlakukan dengan sedemikian rupa.... memang tidak mudah bagi ibubapa yang anaknya diperlakukan demikian untuk melupakan peristiwa menyayat hati itu

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